Elèctrica Pintó SL
Elèctrica Pintó SL

Self-consumption 100 kW Bages University Foundation (FUB)

Energy World / Photovoltaic Self-Consumption / Renewable Energies

Installation of 100kW of solar panels on the roof of the UManresa building – Fundació Universitària del Bages (FUB) for photovoltaic self-consumption.

With this installation, it will be possible to supply 26% of the total energy consumed by the main building (FUB1) and the University Clinic.

The installation has the following characteristics:

  • FUB Photovoltaic FacilityFUB Photovoltaic Facility
  • 100kW FUB Photovoltaic Facility100kW FUB Photovoltaic Facility
  • Solar invertersSolar inverters
  • 100kW FUB Photovoltaic Facility100kW FUB Photovoltaic Facility